Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Sweet Boy!

Well, we made it through our day....for those of you that didn't know K had to go get his flu shot today. You may think, no big deal, a lot of kids get the flu shot. Well, for K these things are a bigger deal because he has A LOT of allergies. He is allergic to egg, for one...which is why the flu shot is a bigger deal (flu shots are made with an egg solution). We had to be at the allergist by 8:30am and they did a flu challenge on him. They first had to do scratch tests, which is where they put egg on his skin as well as part of the flu solution...and two other things. He reacted majorly to the egg...which was no surprise because we knew already that he has an egg allergy. However, there didn't seem to be a reaction to the flu solution. Praise the Lord. So..he got a little of the shot injected into one leg and then we waited and waited to make sure there was no reaction...there wasn' he got the rest of it in his other leg...and we waited and waited.....and no reaction!! We were able to go home by NOON. I am so happy because we debated about giving him the flu vaccine, but, with his asthma we felt it is important to get him as protected as possible. I have to say...going to the dollar store to buy cheap toys helped tremendously!
So...our next major appointment is his MMR challenge...but not till January!

He really is a champ. He has been to soo many doctors and hates going, but he somehow gets through it and is resilient. He took a 2 hour nap and has been so good...he will remind me now and again that he has boo-boos on his legs, and I kiss them...what a sweet boy!


MICHELLE said...

You guys made it through again! K is one tough boy and so is his mommy!!! You are doing a great job. It must be so hard having to make so many decisions and having to watch K go through some tough stuff. I'll keep praying for grace over your household! We love you guys!

BTW - here's my new blog address:

Andrea@Sgt and Mrs Hub said...

He's a trooper! I'm so glad that it went well and that this one is over. I bet you all will sleep really good tonight!
You guys are such great parents to Kyle - what a blessed little boy.


Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

That's awesome, I'm so glad to hear that he made it through that ordeal. Braydon is not allergic to eggs, but the dr said hes intolerant of it, which basically means his body reacts to it but not as severely. It's not fun trying to figure things out w/o eggs is it?

G. said...

I'm so glad everything went well for you guys. Shots alone can be bad enough but, when mixed with allergies, I can't even imagine. I'm glad he's OK. What a little champ!

Rebecca said...

Hi KT! I found the link to your blog on FB, and I was reading about K's allergies and thought you might like to get in touch with my sister (Wendy) whose boys have some pretty massive food allergies as well, including eggs, dairy, and wheat!! Here's the link to her blog:

They are also in the process of adopting from Ethiopia right now!

K is a beautiful little boy! :)

-Rebecca L.